What really caught my attention in the letter to the editor was what was said at the end, "If he succeeds in accomplishing this..." If he succeeds, now that raises a few thoughts. Obama can not win the election without votes. I truly believe Obama is the most dangerous president the United States has ever elected. Our freedom and safety are in jeopardy. What puzzles me is why people vote for him. Are people not thinking? Do they not realize freedom is not free? Do they not realize that Obama will not only redistribute the wealth within in America but redistribute America's wealth to other countries. And he is already doing this. Obama bypassed Congress and quietly gave $1.5 billion in foreign aid to the Muslim Brotherhood that is now the controlling party in the Egyptian government. The same people who are now attacking our embassies. This money was added to our national debt further burdening current and future generations. Obama promises and promises, talks and talks. But, when you take time out of your busy day to really focus on what he is doing, it is disturbing. He promises "shovel ready" jobs. Now admits, those shovel ready jobs are not ready. He promised jobs and talks about the jobs his policies have created. He promised immigration reform. “I fought with you in the Senate for comprehensive immigration reform. And I will make it a top priority in my first year as President.” then Senator Obama. Yet despite having a super majority, he did not accomplish this nor did he make it a priority. In the last election, due to his "promises" people thought he would make their mortgage payments for them if he was elected. Surprisingly, some of these naive souls actually believed him. He has spent $20 million on promoting his ObamaCare that the majority of Americans did not want, $5 million to promote people going on foodstamps which strips people of pride and increases our entitlement programs.
He promised transparency. This administration is the most diabolical and closed as the come. For example, just this month some defense companies were going to give layoff notices to employees in order to comply with the federal Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act. However, the Obama administration is putting pressure on these companies not to due this. Obama knows that mass layoff notices will not be good for his re-election. He is not concerned about the people who will lose their jobs just that it is not known to the public so he can hopefully win again only to no doubt cause more job losses with his policies. But, it gets worse. "The guidance issued Friday told contractors that if the automatic cuts happen and contractors lay off employees the government will cover certain liability and litigation costs in the event the contractor is later sued because it hadn’t provided adequate legal warning to its employees, but only if the contractor abides by the administration’s notice and refrains from warning employees now." ABCNews
Obama wants to cut the defense budget by $500 billion. In the private sector this will cost well over 100k people their jobs. And some estimates believe about 1 million jobs in the defense industry. Just the opposite of Obama's job creation rhetoric. Part of ObamaCare is a 2.3% medical device tax. Experts in the industry cite this will lead to 45k job losses. Again, just the opposite of Obama's job creation rhetoric. Obama knew the economy into which he was being inaugurated. He promised unemployment would not exceed 8%. After one month in office the national unemployment rate was 8.3% and has stayed over 8% during his entire administration reaching as high as 10% nationally. And, because of his policies, our national credit rating has been downgraded. This is a first for the USA. It not only happened once during Obama's administration but twice! Why would someone vote in a president for a second term with this kind of record?
On the world frontier, our enemies now see our country as weak. Anti-American rhetoric and attacks are on the rise. Al-Quaeda is gaining strength. Obama has downplayed this his entire time in the White House. He constantly apologizes for America and refuses to take a strong position against terrorism as evidenced by the recent activities since 9/11/12. Four years of broken promises, undignified behavior, scandals, bankruptcies, lies, cover ups and turmoil around the world, Who would want a president with this record of leadership? Sadly, some will. Have the masses become so complacent, so lazy, so dependent, so blind that they will give up the satisfaction of sweat labor, the pride of paying for your own goods and the honor in defending freedom?
As if all these points are not enough to know Barack Hussein Obama is not right for the USA, he changed the American flag. Our flag has been displayed in many ways. But it is always represented with stars and stripes, red, white and blue. Barack Hussein Obama had the audacity to change our flag by removing our stars and replacing them with the Obama 'O', not officially (yet?). But he is (was) selling his new "USA flag" on his campaign website and God only knows where else. I checked today and the two misrepresented flags at his campaign store were removed from "campaign essentials, posters" to "artists for Obama". In other words, the word got out (thank you FoxNews) and some Americans spoke out enough that Obama moved his new flag to "art". Don't be fooled by this "art". This is part of Obama's agenda to substantially change America. When he chanted "hope and change" this is what he had in mind. He will and is fundamentally changing America. And there are thousands of well-meaning Americans supporting him in the name of "political correctness". Here is one of the pictures of his new flag.
This is how change happens. Be aware! He is slowly changing America so as the masses won't "see" the change. Good men died for our freedoms. Blood was shed for our Stars and Stripes. What real patriot would desecrate our flag in this way? Has anyone heard Obama chastise the hundreds of thousands of people in Muslim countries burning our flag? This flag represents who we are, our ideals, our beliefs, our people, our freedom. Defending our flag is defending our country. Obama did not defend our flag.
So who is to blame? Is it Obama? I don't think it is. Obama does as Obama is. It is our responsibility to put real patriots in office. As a reminder, the definition of a patriot: one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests. I saw his agenda four years ago. I knew he was not good for our country. I did not vote for him. Despite the warnings of many, many more were swayed by Obama's charm and excellent oratory skills. They believed his rhetoric of 'hope and change' and cast the vote that could end up being the nail in the coffin of our beloved country as we know it.
So that still leaves the question, who/what is to blame? I believe it is ignorance. Ignorant voters. I am not being cruel. I am talking ignorance in it's very definition: lack of awareness or knowledge. Many Americans don't follow state and federal issues. They don't know what is going on with our foreign policy. Some don't even know where Iraq and Afghanistan are. How many of our troops have to die there before the people they die for even know where they took their last breath? Many don't know who are representatives are. Many go about their daily lives as if we are disconnected from the policies born in DC. We live relatively calm lives here in the land of red, white and blue. But it is naive and ignorant for us not to view ourselves in respect to the rest of the world. We must think globally. A refused meeting with Israel might seem irrelevant to some. But when Iran tears Israel's country apart with nuclear weapons then points those same weapons at us, in reflection was that refused meeting so irrelevant? Our freedoms are slowly being taken away through socialistic ideals manifested in policies and laws and taxation.
In the words of our forefather, John Adams:
"We electors have an important constitutional power placed in our hands; we have a check upon two branches of the legislature . . . the power I mean of electing at stated periods [each] branch. . . . It becomes necessary to every [citizen] then, to be in some degree a statesman, and to examine and judge for himself of the tendency of political principles and measures. Let us examine, then, with a sober, a manly . . . and a Christian spirit; let us neglect all party [loyalty] and advert to facts; let us believe no man to be infallible or impeccable in government any more than in religion; take no man’s word against evidence, nor implicitly adopt the sentiments of others who may be deceived themselves, or may be interested in deceiving us."If President Obama is re-elected, who is to blame for the demolishment of our country as we know it? Each and every elector that casts a vote for him. If people didn't see the truth of his character in '08, hopefully some have paid attention enough to see it in these last four years. We must save our nation by not voting for a man that does not embrace American ideals.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." Ronald Reagan
Keep writing it, Denise.
ReplyDeleteThe irony is that if defense is being cut, it's hard to say that they are trying to take away our second amendment so only the government will be armed. But despite the defense cuts, the Department of Homeland Security has just purchased an incredible amount of ammunition. Odd that.